Monday, January 19, 2015

A Principle To Keep

In my eyes, an important principle to keep, no matter the situation is to do your best. This principle can have many different interpretations, whether it be to do you best in keeping your family safe, or even in everyday tasks. The situation you experience dictates what doing your best means. For example if I were living on Earth when "The Road" takes place, my principle would apply to doing my best in keeping alive as well as keeping those close to me alive. Doing your best doesn't necessarily mean being perfect; no ones perfect. It means putting 100 percent into anything you do. No matter the magnitude or importance give it your all. In everyday situations giving 90 versus 100 percent might not matter much, however in life threatening situation, like the ones that the father and his son face in "The Road" giving 99 versus 100 percent of your effort may mean the difference between life and death. Doing your best means not giving up, even when times get tough. It means not losing hope; because when you lose hope, you loose your will to live. The father in McCarthy's novel sees hope for a better future in the form of his son, that is why he gives his all when it comes to staying alive. He still has hope which drives him to stay alive. Hope is an important idea to hold on to. Even when things get hard.


  1. I totally agree with you 100%. You should always do your best. Your best is going to change moment to moment but that will be the difference of you surviving or dying like you said. Also it will avoid self judgment, self abuse, and regret.

  2. I love the principle you've chose but speaking specifically for me I don't think it'd be a principle I'm able to keep throughout my entire life. To do your best means to try your hardest and put in the most effort you can and I most definitely try to do that when it comes to school and working, but in other aspects in life it can be hard. There are emotionally trying situations as well as physically trying situations that many don't make it through no matter how hard they have tried. Many give up when they see their best is not enough and I feel like in life now that is sometimes difficult for many people including myself; but in an apocalyptic setting that would just be too much. I know of many people have even said if they had to endure the apocalypse they wouldn't even try. I feel it'd be best to say instead for one to never give up. If you just don't give up and try to push through things with the little bit you don't have it'd be better than putting all your effort into something and that not working and then giving up.

  3. Yes. The son is a savior in the eyes of the man. If there is to be a new world, the boy will need to have the tools to lead it. The man must protect that future even though he comes short a few times in living up to the principles he has taught the son.
