Monday, September 29, 2014

Six Word Stories

  • I enter our house, my house
  • A black bag, life no more
  • Gradually, we fell out of touch
  • A whisper from the depths unknown
  • A doctors appointment, feeling great  - Cancer
  • Bullets flying above, a hit, loss

Thursday, September 18, 2014

John Proctor: Hero or Stooge?

Every single person on this planet knows what a hero is. We see this term used throughout our life time. From super hero to a tragic hero or an unwilling hero. We are very familiar with this word. Simply put, a hero is "a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities". On the other hand, what is a stooge? This term however, is not so commonly used in our vocabulary. A stooge is "a person who serves merely to support or assist other, particularly in doing unpleasant work". So, is John Proctor a hero or a stooge?

I consider Proctor a hero. He was a man that's portrayed as the rebel of Salem. He didn't baptize one of his children because of his distaste towards the towns reverend in a community that is entirely religion centric; he didn't attend church on a constant weekly basis; he didn't believe in witchcraft even though the city of Salem is going crazy about the presence of witches in their community; and lastly he slept with a girl half his age by the name on Abigail while married. Although he is portrayed as man who sees himself as "above the law", his actions tell a different story.

John Proctor carried his Puritan values all the way to his grave. He valued honesty and integrity. All though he cheated on his wife with a younger woman, Proctor confessed to the deed in the end. I mean, who doesn't make mistakes in their life time? This man would rather die telling the truth than live by lying. His moral ethics surprised me, since at the beginning of "The Crucible" he is portrayed as living without moral ethics. John Proctor sacrificed himself and his life for the greater good; to show the leaders of Salem what kind of foolish mistake they made by listening to the young girls and their lies. This is why I consider John Proctor a hero.

Martyna x

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Arrivals; There Goes the Neighborhood

I stand on the rough looking dock. Dark not-so-sturdy planks of wood keep me from falling into the water. The fire that I set up just a couple of hours ago is still strong, the individual flames occasionally crackling. Waiting for my line to tug from a successfully hooked fish, I hum to myself. I watch the horizon where the bright blue water meets the rising sun. At first I thought it was simply my imagination, but after longer examination I saw three ships sailing straight towards the land that I stand on fishing. I've never seen such contraptions, at least not as complex. The boats that we have in my village are small, supporting only a couple of people and trade items at a time. We use wooden oars to travel to islands close by in order to trade and collect resources. In comparison these ships are giant. They have a deck that can support tons of goods as well as a couple hundred people. They also have white fabric that is suspended to high beams made out of wood.

It dawns on me; these people are not our own. Are they sent by god? What should I do? Are we the chosen ones? After much deliberation, I chose to run down to my village, as fast as my legs can take me. I run to my family and tell them about my find. They don't believe me but follow me nevertheless. I also run to the chief of the camp. I tell him that there are three large boats coming towards our island. He brings a couple of friends and also run towards the dock.

It takes me a while to persuade a couple of my village mates to come to the fishing dock. By the time that I get to the oceanside again, the ships are almost anchored. We start to chant. At the bow of the ship I see a man with a black hat. He points to us, all the while speaking to his mates. He tells his men something and a couple disappear. However they reappear only a couple of minutes later. In their hands are a variety of items that I've never seen before. A red hat with a string of jewels hanging down from the top and a string of those jewels arranged in a circle. As they came down from their large ships we greet them. We run up to their ships and give them a variety of trading goods. From live multi-colored parrots, to cotton, to our stone tipped hunting javelins. In exchange they also gave us small see-through circular objects and another circular object that was cool to the touch and created a noise if shaken. More people from my village come to the shore and greet these mystical humans, with plenty more gifts. Who are they?

These gods are kind and considerate. They're giving and amiable. I am intrigued by all these objects that I've never seen before. I hope that we become good trading partners and build a lasting, cooperative relationship with these people from another land...

Sunday, September 7, 2014

A Bit About Me...

Hey guys! My name is Martyna Paruch. I'm currently a sophomore at Whitney Young. I'm 15 years old, almost 16. My birthday is on December 21, 1998. I graduated from Beaubien a couple years ago. I live on the north-west side of Chicago, right by Norridge. It takes me forever to get to school :( because I live so far away, however the train rides to school are always entertaining. I used to swim competitively at Shabbona Park. I even won a couple of medals while swimming either freestyle or butterfly. I don't participate in any at school activities because I do karate outside of school (3x a week for two+ hours). However I plan to join soccer this spring (hopefully I get on the team). I was born in Poland and moved to Chicago when I was one-and-a-half years old. I speak Polish and used to go to Polish school every Saturday but I "dropped-out" when I graduated from 8th grade. I enjoy listening to music. Some of my favorite artists are Ellie Goudling, Eminem, Skylar Grey, etc. I used to play the piano for almost 8 years but because I didn't practice I don't remember a thing. This summer I visited the Dominican Republic with my parents. I was a very wonderful experience, the sights were gorgeous. I hope I get to know some of you better this year and to have a memorable sophomore year!

Martyna x